POPQuiz #1: Two Romanian Inventors, An Illegal Invention, And The French Connection
How bright are you feeling today, Patent Gladiator?
[Image of a singular bright light hanging with some other dimmed bulbs. Sometimes that’s a good feeling, even if you’re actually in the dark.]
POPQuiz #1: Two Romanian Inventors, An Illegal Invention, and The French Connection
Well, it’s time. Time for our first POPQuiz!
In Case You Missed It
As we mentioned in our most recent post, POPQuiz is a series of mini-challenges designed to tone your patent research muscles in anticipation of Patent Olympiad 2019. We’ll be running one a week through August to mid-September, and we’re inviting all of you to participate.
More details are in the post, but the basics are:
anyone can play
there are no prizes
you can play along silently, or submit your answers to us so we see them by our deadline.
POPQuiz 1: The Challenge
At least two Romanian inventors, one past, one present, have both developed a type of device that would be illegal in one small town in France. Video records of one such device exist.
The Challenge Parameters
Name the inventors.
Do they have patents or published applications? Reference relevant document numbers.
(Extra Points) Find video records.
(Extra, Extra Points) Name the French town.
Two ways to share your answers
We’ve turned off the comments on this post to reduce spoilers for people who discover this challenge a little later than others. So to share your answers, you can do it one of two ways:
Share your answers to social media with the hashtags #POPquiz #patentolympiad #POPQuiz1
Go to this SurveyMonkey link and fill out the answer form here. The address is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PatentOlympiadPOPQuiz1.
You have until Friday, August 9, 2019 to share your answer before we share ours.
UPDATE: If it’s still Friday August 9 2019 in your time zone, you are still okay. We are releasing the post after 23:59 AoE time (that’s Anywhere on Earth time, UTC -12 h).