POPQuiz #2 Interim Results: The First, The Brave, The Really Really Weird.
No, there weren’t any chickens in this first set of search results. But some of the patent documents you submitted for POPQuiz 2 were as weird as this rooster. Weirder, probably.
Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash.
POPQuiz #2 Interim Results: The First, The Brave, The Really Really Weird.
Yes, we’ve extended the submission period for POPQuiz 2. You now have until Sunday, August 26 at 11:59 AoE time to submit your answers.
You also still have time to register for the contest proper, Patent Olympiad 2019. But don’t wait too long. It’s only 2 months away.
The first, the brave
But we’d like to honour those readers who ventured into the darkness first.
Some of you, after all, may have distinct memories of working hard to meet class deadlines, only to find out after you submit your assignment that some of your tardier peers had successfully lobbied for an extension. (I confess: I was always one of the tardy ones, although usually not one of the lobbyists. It weighs heavily upon my soul.)
So here are just some submissions from your peers. What do you think? Can you find documents with higher VIs? You can submit your answers here.
A Thrilling Ride: Bat-Shaped Zip Line Trolley
Submitted by Marie-Pierre Vidonne. The original submission was US Design Patent USD822463S1; this device seems to be related. (Check out the patent images at the link.)
I would like this device in my backyard, but I am afraid of attracting hordes of uninsured neighbourhood children. Check out those sharp edges! Extra VI points for the high likelihood of tears and bloodshed.
Analytics with Teeth
Analysis and submission by Yateen Paragaonkar. Yateen identified a number of Patent Assignees with high VI values and reports that a high-level search reveals that there are likely tens of thousands of high-VI patent documents, many of them with a Romanian connection. His observations include a selection of Romanian patent documents about levitation.
Yateen is a man with Van Helsing-like determination.
Ultimate Rejuvenation Processes
We received several high VI submissions from Henk Pattyn, some of which were truly eyebrow-raising. Here’s just one of them: CA2815415, “Ultimate Rejuvenation Processes”.
Part manifesto, part diatribe, part omnibus patent application – this document has it all.
Not that I’m sure what “it” is. Want the Only True Democracy Current Voting Process? An Anti-Bully Suit? Foot Smell-and-Blister-Preventing Vent Shoes? This document has all that and more.
The main contributor to the VI index on this document? The “Ultimate Rejuvenation Process” plan to rejuvenate the elderly and infirm by mixing their blood with the extracted “blood from healthy babies, children, and any young people”. Ew.
More to come, we hope. Will we see your contributions?
You can submit your high Vampire Index patent documents here.