POPQuiz #2 Interim Results: The First, The Brave, The Really Really Weird.
POPQuiz #2 Interim Results: The First, The Brave, The Really Really Weird.
Yes, we’ve extended the submission period for POPQuiz 2. You now have until Sunday, August 26 at 11:59 AoE time to submit your answers.
You also still have time to register for the contest proper, Patent Olympiad 2019. But don’t wait too long. It’s only 2 months away.
The first, the brave
But we’d like to honour those readers who ventured into the darkness first.
Some of you, after all, may have distinct memories of working hard to meet class deadlines, only to find out after you submit your assignment that some of your tardier peers had successfully lobbied for an extension. (I confess: I was always one of the tardy ones, although usually not one of the lobbyists. It weighs heavily upon my soul.)
So here are just some submissions from your peers. What do you think? Can you find documents with higher VIs? You can submit your answers here.
More to come, we hope. Will we see your contributions?
You can submit your high Vampire Index patent documents here.